
decision making Tag

Judgment is a natural and necessary function of the brain. It allows us to make quick decisions and keep ourselves safe. However, judgment can also be harmful when we use it to put others down or to make assumptions about people and situations without knowing...

As human beings, we are endowed with a remarkable capacity for action and creativity. We have the ability to pursue our goals with intense passion and to achieve incredible feats. However, this capacity for action also comes with the potential for recklessness, impulsivity, and excess....

We are not born good or bad thinkers. We are born with a potential for good or average thinking skills relative to other factors. The brain will become whatever potential it achieves based on the inputs we are exposed to in the world. Thinking is a...

‘I want to change my career’, I hear many of my clients say as we begin the coaching relationship. ‘Great! Get ready to feel uncomfortable’, is how I respond. But can we really expect any change in our lives to feel comfortable? Changing jobs, and...